Philippe Gauvin’s journey from military service to success in mortgage lending

Philippe Gauvin, who completed his service as a soldier in 2019 wanted to pursue a profession that valued the same values of discipline and a work ethic. He also wanted to be able to give back to others.

Gauvin’s second career as a mortgage agent allowed him to combine his natural talents with his passions.

Planipret’s veteran broker in Quebec said, “If you have a process that works, show resilience, do something you enjoy and stick to your values, I believe you will find success.” By choosing to become a mortgage agent, I can combine my interests and natural skills.

Service for life

Philippe Gauvin

Gauvin chose to be a broker based upon the recommendation of a close friend. Both roles were a good fit.

He said, “I chose to join Planipret due to their excellent compliance record and reputation for being an ethical company.” Their technological tools are top-of-the line.

Gauvin started working at the company as soon as May 2019 rolled around. He has now been in charge of four brokers for the past four years.

He said, “My approach to this business was to work as much as I could in the first five-year period to establish a solid database and to gain as much experience as fast as possible to scale my company.” “I am successful, I believe, because I remain true to my values and myself. I give my all to finding the best solution for my customers.”

Manulife One empowers its clients to be their own banker

Gauvin’s passion is finding innovative ways to help his clients solve their unique problems. One of Gauvin’s preferred solutions is Manulife One. It’s a unique, flexible and all-in one re-advanceable banking, mortgage, and lending product.

He says, “It gives my clients the chance to be their banker.” I am given the chance to introduce my client to Manulife One, but after they have understood the concept they can be more independent with their mortgage and finances.

Gauvin says that this is particularly true for clients looking to expand their portfolio of real estate. Gauvin explains how clients can save thousands in interest when they fully utilize the benefits offered by the mortgage. This money could be used to pay for a downpayment on an investment home, or other expenses.

He said, “This product creates enormous value for my clients and gives me new business opportunities.” The product can be a great wealth creator when it is used correctly, and I’ve seen that for myself.

Gauvin says he is also “a big fan” of Manulife’s Partner Rewards Program, which allows him to provide unique benefits to clients — like cash-back options or rebates for legal fees.

He said that brokers should understand the added value and efficiency of the product. There are many advantages for the customer, and there is great flexibility when structuring sub-accounts. Online banking also has a very friendly interface.

How to find a balance between work and life in civil society

Gauvin says that by bringing military discipline to his mortgage brokerage work, he can continue to help his fellow Canadians and feel rewarded.

He can also maintain a good work-life equilibrium.

He said, “As a father to two boys, I am grateful that my wife has been such a wonderful mother and business partner in growing my company.”

Success to me means being able look back at a difficult task and knowing that you gave it your best effort and never quit, no matter how hard the job was.

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